Los 2801
Crispus, Caesar, 316-326. Follis (Bronze, 20 mm, 4.03 g, 12 h), Rome, 317. CRISPVS NOBIL CAES Laureate and cuirassed bust of Crispus to right. Rev. PRINCIPI-A IVVENTVTIS / R P Mars standing front, with chlamys across left shoulder, head to right, holding inverted spear in his right hand and placing his left on shield set on ground. RIC 90 var. Minor weakness, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, formed since 1969.

RIC lists only the type with the chlamys spread, while in this instance, the chlamys hangs over the left shoulder. Typically, such a difference would warrant a separate entry in RIC. However, in this case, it might be considered a variation of RIC 90, given the existence of several such examples. The type with the chlamys spread is actually outnumbered 20 to 5 by the type with the chlamys over the shoulder. It is possible that Bruun included both variations under RIC 90 without explicitly mentioning it.
25 CHF
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